Blog Train,  MyMemories

MyMemories April 2020 Blog Train!

Who’s ready for some fun? Join the designers at MyMemories on this month’s blog train! Here is the color palette used to create this month’s beautiful kits!

You will be directed to each designers store at the MyMemories site. If you have not already done so, you will need to sign up for an account (note: this is a one time sign up and no purchase is necessary).

There is a special link to each designers gift that must be obtained from each designer. That link will take you to their store and their gift. The new process is:

  • visit each designer’s blog or FB posting for their preview & special link
  • click on the link provided you will then be taken to their MyMemories store
  • place their gift in your shopping cart
  • check out when you have all the gifts collected
  • You came here from Lins Creations.

Click on the image to be taken to the download for my April 2020 Blog Gift.

I have a full kit to match coming out in a couple of days, so keep an eye out for it. Each image is linked to the product or will be soon – once it is published.

For a full list of designers go here!!

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I am a DSAHM of a beautiful daughter and 3 furry babies. I have an amazing husband whom I love to cook for as well as work on our home together. I also have an older daughter who will be headed to college soon. I am truly blessed with what I have been given and just do my best to give back!


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