Cheryl Day Designs,  CT Layouts,  Dagilicious Templates,  GingerScraps,  Pickleberrypop

I am back

Hello. I am back, my goal is to stay now. We have so much going on in our lives and I just want to escape sometimes back into designing.

Latest News:

  1. My youngest got baptized this past Saturday. This is a big deal for our family and we couldn’t be happier for her.
  2. Hubby has lots of changes going on at his work. He is having to move again which will take him an hour further from us, so we will continue to pray for what our next move is – either we move to him or he finds a job closer to home.
  3. Still working on health issues, that is why I am coming back.
  4. I am helping out on Dagilicious Templates (formerly Dagi’s Templates) on her CT as guest for a couple of months. She sells over at GingerScraps – – love her templates, easy to use.
  5. I am helping out on Cheryl Day Designs on her CT as well. She used to be part of WLS and is now over at Pickleberrypop – celebrating her 1 year anniversary!! She has some adorable kits!! Click the image below to be taken to her store.
Ceara, my beautiful baby girl.
Such a sweet young lady ready for her baptism.

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I am a DSAHM of a beautiful daughter and 3 furry babies. I have an amazing husband whom I love to cook for as well as work on our home together. I also have an older daughter who will be headed to college soon. I am truly blessed with what I have been given and just do my best to give back!

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