Updates coming to site
This year has been crazy I am sure for all of us. Lots of changes we now have to face for the future and not sure how things will go for 2021. I know for me it took me out of my creative zone and I haven’t really been feeling like doing much. But I am changing that, keeping fingers crossed, starting now. A lot of changes going on with our home, my girls, my dogs and even with businesses, yes, multiple ones.
I started school for Medical Billing and Coding during the summer session and took a full load, now I am only doing one class at a time due to funding. I am loving my classes and hope I can finish by next fall, if not sooner. This year, before the pandemic, I joined Scentsy as a consultant because I really love their products, but that will be coming to a close here soon.
I am trying to get everything uploaded to my Esty shop, with an update for Windows 10 removing Flash, I will see what I can do about uploading to MyMemories and I will be adding more items to my shop over at Design Bundles. Including some new fonts by the end of the year. I am also working on creating a shop here on my site to make it easier to shop. I have been having to learn a lot of new things to help me get all of this in place.
So quick question: When it comes to the previews of my kits, does it bother you if my logo isn’t all the same – because I have changed it a few times and am not sure I want to deal with the hassle. But I will if it is something you want.
Lastly, hubby and I are starting a new business that we are still working all the kinks out but this will be physical products and we are really excited about it. I can’t wait to share it with you once I get everything set-up. For now, just now that ‘The Turtle’s Ink’ will be coming soon.