The Digi Express has left the station…
I love being a part of a train and being able to give out goodies to all of you. I hope you enjoy these goodies. You have come here from KJD Designs… I am your last stop but in case you get lost, please head back to the beginning over at the Digi Express.
Note: to xHasterx… this is a warning that if you steal any of my products/ free kits, you are in violation of Copyright law since you seem to share them all over the internet. These kits are not to be shared or sold by anyone other than me. Pirates will be pursued. These kits are for personal use only. I hate to have to do this but xHasterx and others pirates leave me no choice!
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Austin Owens
I came to check in and see what new fun things you’ve put out (baby’s asleep and I finished my own marketing, so you know, I kind of HAD to, lol). I LOVE that you switched to Meg Scott Studio, but I had to laugh–you posted your announcement on APRIL FOOL’S DAY, hahaha.
Thank you Meg for this lovely freebie and for all the efforts against piracy you do!
Thank you for your lovely contribution to the blog train!
To xHasterx we know who and where you are! Cease and desist your illegal actions or you will be prosecuted!!
Lovely cards. Thank you for sharing.
It’s such a shame that there are those who would steal someone else’s work!
Thank you for participating in the blog train – I love the journal cards; each is unique & oh, so lovely!! Thanks also for sharing the color swatches…
Thank you for sharing your journal cards with us
Meg, thank you for the very lovely journal card, and I praise you for standing up to and against pirates. I hate a thief of any kind.
Recently my in-laws gravesite was one of 350 to have their screw-in vases stolen from the same cemetery. The thieves took them for the copper in them. -Marie