Digging through our junk.. oops memory totes..
Throughout our lives we hold onto things, memories, thing that trigger those memories and junk! Yes, I said it, junk. Growing up, with every move we made, my mom would pack our stuff up and somehow not everything made it to the new house – my barbie dolls and their clothes and accessories, my comic book collection, my hot wheels collections, my books, etc. Some of those would have been worth big money now – such as the original atari or nintendo and its games, some of my barbies, or my x-men comic books. But according to my mom, she has no clue what happened to all that stuff or.. oh you grew out of it.
Well, said to say because of that, I am now a possible junk collector.. I don’t want to throw out any of my stuff – I do but not everything. I have Barbies, hot wheels and comic books still in the packaging so I don’t lose them or even play with them. What is wrong with me!!!! Yes, I am 39 but I am still a Toy R’ Us kid!
I am also a parent, and what I have I done, well started each of my children on the road to having their own memories box or tote or two. Yes, I have started saving all their stuff as well. But that is not going to help then when they move out into their own place and I ship them 10 boxes of junk they never knew they had or needed. So what do I do to stop the madness!!
After reading this article.. http://www.buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/genius-ways-to-immortalize-your-kids-artwork I have decided that it is time to take pictures of everything that we have in those totes and we all have to decide what is worth holding onto and what is worth tossing. But everything will have a photo, so we can add them to a photobook that we can cherish in smaller doses and save a lot of space.
I will have to share with you our progress as we tackle this challenge!!